Server Memory Upgrade – Cabinet & Cabling Support

Some cabinets / servers couldn’t be accessed by the server support engineers due to cabling issues or physical challenges such as broken castors.

Following the initial visit to upgrade the server, we were requested to attend a number of stores where access issues were identified to ensure servers and/or cabinets were accessible before a second engineering visit was scheduled.

Cab refresh & tidy

During store refreshes, many 3rd parties need access to the cabinets whilst departments are moved and new areas created. This more than often leaves cabinets untidy which causes problems for fault finding and maintenance later.

POS Networks experienced engineers can strip a cabinet of all patching and fully re-patch in one evening, or replace full to capacity cabinets with larger ones to accommodate additional cabling and/or hardware.

Cab preparation for Vodafone WAN refresh

Creating space and installing shelving and power in comms cabinets for additional WAN hardware.

Biometric Time Clock and Employee Self-Service Terminal installations

POS Networks were initially asked to install Biometric time and attendance clocks along with ESS touch screen PC’s across the RDC and manufacturing sites. As the programme continued, they were providing a full end-to-end service by completing power and data installs along with hardware rollout.

Store Closure: IT Asset recovery and delivery back to 3rd Party Suppliers

Closing a store or none-retail site results in a large amount of IT equipment that can be reused across the estate or needs to be returned to 3rd party suppliers. POS Networks will recover hardware, clean and wrap if necessary so it can be put back in to maintenance stock, or returned to 3rd party suppliers.

Electronic Order Pad upgrade.

The covers and docking stations for the EOPs were failing, POS were used to exchange charging docking stations and damaged covers across the entire estate in a tight time frame. Docks were upgraded on site and covers were returned to the manufacturer supplier for upgrade and repair before being collected to be rollout.

PFS LAN Switch refresh

POS Networks visited the entire PFS estate and swapped legacy switches for Cisco Managed switches.